Anaconda expanding to London?

The manager is currently in London looking for possible locations to expand the business. Maybe even the Queen of England wants the Anaconda to get inside of her? ”Anaconda Sweden official court supplier”

Soon inside you 😉

The Anaconda on the watch

We found the Anaconda looking over his territory.
His probably thinking about who or what to get inside next?
But who knows… only an Anaconda can understand another Anaconda.

Soon inside you 😉

Gdansk again

Last weekend the Anaconda team went to Gdansk again for meetings with possible future business partner for the Anaconda.
The Anaconda also met with a few local fans who had contacted us before the trip begging him to get inside them.

Here is a picture of the bodyguard waiting while the Anaconda is doing his business.

Soon inside you 😉

Planning night

This weekend the Anaconda and his team got together to plan for this years activities.

This year will be a very busy one with lots of more things to get inside.He have had many requests from his fans, maybe you will be a lucky one?

Soon inside you 😉

Manager in Gdansk

Last weekend the manager went to Gdansk in Poland to attend to a couple of meetings regarding a future expansion of the Anacondas enterprises.
He saw alot of interersting things and places where the Anaconda could get inside.
Overall the meetings went smoothly and a Polish branch is now on the drawing table.

Thank you Gdansk for a nice stay!
Soon inside you 😉

The Anaconda went to rusta to get a new travel bag but..his fans got there before him….

Beskrivning saknas.

Guess they didn’t want him to leave where he is now…
We understand you who missed out, but everyone needs to be able too meet the Anaconda! He will be back for you soon and inside you 😉

Teambuilding at Liseberg

This weekend the whole Anaconda team gathered for a teambuilding day in Gothenburg. The discussions went on where maybe the Anaconda can find new fans or things to get inside this fall. They built a list of different places to go and other opportunities. So it looks like it will be a busy next few months with lots new places for the Anaconda to get inside and explore. Do you want the Anaconda to get inside you? Send us a message then.

After the meeting the Anaconda and his team spent the rest of the day at Liseberg.
They didn’t have time to ride many rides because it turned out into an ordinary work day for the Anaconda with lots of other parkguests wanting him to get inside of them.

Liseberg i Göteborg - nöjespark.

Soon inside you 😉